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File #: SS 24-054   
Type: Study Session Status: Referred
File created: 8/19/2024 In control: City Council Study Session
On agenda: 10/8/2024 Final action:
Title: Redmond 2050: Final Planning Commission Recommendations for Adoption in 2024
Attachments: 1. Agenda Memo, 2. Attachment A: Council Discussion Topics, 3. Attachment B: Corrected Amendments to RZC 21.12.505 Transition to New Standards (for Overlake)

TO: Members of the City Council

FROM: Mayor Angela Birney


Planning and Community Development

Carol Helland


Public Works

Aaron Bert




Planning and Community Development

Seraphie Allen

Deputy Director

Planning and Community Development

Jeff Churchill

Long Range Planning Manager

Planning and Community Development

Beckye Frey

Principal Planner

Planning and Community Development

Lauren Alpert

Senior Planner

Planning and Community Development

Odra Cárdenas

Senior Planner

Planning and Community Development

Glenn Coil

Senior Planner

Planning and Community Development

Ian Lefcourte

Senior Planner

Public Works

Lisa Rigg

Senior Engineer

Public Works

Anne Dettelbach

Senior Planner

Public Works

Jeff Thompson

Senior Engineer

Public Works

Peter Holte

Senior Planner





Redmond 2050: Final Planning Commission Recommendations for Adoption in 2024




Staff recommends that the City Council discuss and provide direction on topics or issues raised at its September 3 meeting or by email. New for September 24:

                     Staff has completed responses to all identified topics or issues (Attachment A).

                     Staff is recommending minor additions and revisions in response to review by the Department of Commerce. These are noted in Attachment A. A final review letter from the Department of Commerce is pending.

                     Staff has attached the correct version of RZC 21.12.505 Transition to New Standards (Attachment B). An older version was inadvertently attached to the Planning Commission Report for the Omnibus Package.


Additional study session time is being held as needed on October 8.


On July 10, 2024, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Water System Plan (WSP) and General Wastewater Plan (GWP) Updates and related changes to Redmond Zoning Code (RZC 21.17.010).  The WSP outlines actions for the City to take to protect its underground drinking water resources and provide sufficient water storage and distribution to meet the drinking water, irrigation, and fire flow needs of Redmond’s residents and businesses for the next two decades.  The GWP update package represents a “major amendment” to the 2021 General Wastewater Plan and includes related changes to RZC 21.17.010.  The GWP has been updated using population growth projections that align with Redmond 2050.  It identifies actions the City’s Wastewater Utility will need to take to ensure that sewer system capacity matches the increased demand created by growth.


On July 31, 2024, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Summer 2024 Omnibus / Wrap-up Package. This package ties together loose ends, corrects errors, addresses requests that have arisen over the past couple years, and generally makes a whole plan out of what are now several parts. It also includes a wide range of Redmond Zoning Code (RZC) amendments needed to correct errors, eliminate duplication, address requests that have arisen during Redmond 2050, and generally implement Redmond 2050 policy direction.


These two packages are the final Redmond 2050 packages to be reviewed for adoption in 2024. Planning Commission Report materials can be found in the September 3 business meeting packet beginning on page 57.


Staff also included proposed RMC amendments in the September 3 packet that are needed to implement Council direction on related Redmond 2050 content.

                     Proposed amendments to RMC 3.38, Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption (MFTE) update MFTE provisions for Overlake and Neighborhood zones to align with proposed inclusionary zoning updates and expand the geography within which MFTE can support the development of affordable housing. An updated version of RMC 3.38 is attached to this memo (Attachment B). It includes one additional proposed Residential Targeted Area (RTA). Staff will ask the Council to set a hearing date by resolution on Oct. 1 in order to hold a state-required hearing on Oct. 15.

                     Proposed amendments to RMC 3.10, Impact Fees, create exemptions from transportation impact fees for affordable housing and daycares, and update transportation impact fees to reflect the proposed Transportation Facilities Plan (TFP).

                     Proposed amendments to RMC 13.20, Stormwater Drainage Capital Facilities Charges, align with recommended changes to Overlake zoning regulations to allow up to 100% lot coverage on a site (see especially RMC 13.20.047).


In March 2024, Council indicated support for setting a higher transportation impact fee rate ($8,200 per person trip) than staff proposed at the time ($6,200). Staff committed to bring back a proposed set of additional projects that could be funded by adopting a higher rate. That work is not complete, and so staff is recommending that the Council adopt the TFP and transportation impact fee schedule as proposed while the work continues. Adopting a new a TFP in 2024 is important because 1) development projects are waiting on a new TFP so that the projects will be eligible for impact fee credits, 2) most TFP projects have been built and without a new TFP Redmond risks having to slow down or pause development until a new plan is adopted.


To fulfill the earlier commitment to Council, staff will seek feedback from the Council on a proposed project prioritization methodology in November, then in 2025 staff will propose TFP amendments based on that methodology and on the higher impact fee rate as part of the update to the Transportation Master Plan.



  Additional Background Information/Description of Proposal Attached





  Receive Information                                            Provide Direction                                            Approve





                     Relevant Plans/Policies:

Policy PI-15 calls for periodic Comprehensive Plan reviews.


The Growth Management Act requires that Washington cities and counties review and, if needed, revise their comprehensive plans and development regulations every ten years. For King County cities the periodic review must be completed by December 31, 2024.

The Water System Plan update is required under Chapter 246-290-100 Washington Administrative Code (WAC).

                     Council Request:

The City Council requested quarterly reports on project milestones, staff progress, and public involvement.

                     Other Key Facts:




Updating the Redmond Comprehensive Plan will ensure that the Plan is consistent with state law and regional policy direction; advances equity and inclusion, sustainability, and resiliency; and that Redmond is prepared for growth expected through the year 2050.


Development and adoption of the WSP and GWP, including through the implementation of associated capital projects, ensures the City is taking appropriate actions to: protect its underground drinking water aquifer; provide sufficient water storage and distribution to meet the community’s drinking water, irrigation, and fire flow needs; and provide wastewater collection services for its growing population.





                     Timeline (previous or planned):

​​​​​​Outreach for Summer 2024 Omnibus / Wrap-Up package occurred in Q2 and Q3 2024.

                     The Redmond 2050 Technical Advisory Committee reviewed portions of the package at its May 31 and June 28 meetings.

                     The Planning Commission most recently held briefings and study sessions and May, June, and July, with public hearings on June 26 (WSP, GWP) and July 24 (Omnibus).

                     Staff tabled at Derby Days on July 13 to raise awareness about Redmond 2050 generally.


                     Outreach Methods and Results:

Redmond 2050 outreach methods have included:

                     Redmond 2050 Website

                     Digital City Hall Lobby

                     Let’s Connect questionnaires, idea boards, and other tools

                     Press releases and Social media

                     Short videos and posting of recordings of workshops

                     Yard signs and Posters

                     Utility Bill inserts

                     Email newsletters to multiple City lists and partner organizations

                     Hiring of Eastside for All for intensive, focused community engagement

                     Stakeholder input and Focus group meetings

                     Hybrid and remote workshops, interviews, and office hours

                     Tabling at community events

                     Pop-up events in community spaces and workplaces

                     Translation of selected materials

                     Community Advisory Committee input

                     Technical Advisory Committee input

                     Planning Commission public hearings

                     Human Services Commission meetings

                     Other boards & Commissions meetings

                     Mailed property owner notifications


Quarterly engagement summaries are available at <>.


                     Feedback Summary:


The Planning Commission received public testimony on the Summer 2024 Omnibus / Wrap-up package. Topics included:

                     Ensuring that the “Transition to New Standards” section of the Overlake regulations would work as intended and not stop projects in the pipeline.

                     Concern that phased projects in the pipeline in Overlake will not be able to vest to 2024 regulations.

                     Appreciation for City staff’s responsiveness.

                     Language recommendations for policy NE-22 concerning “beneficial public infrastructure uses”

                     Allowed and prohibited land uses in the Critical Aquifer Recharge Area.


The Planning Commission deliberations included substantive discussion of the following topics (see Planning Commission Reports Appendix A for details):

                     Comprehensive Plan

§                     Smart-city policy language

§                     First- and last-mile connections to transit

§                     Building materials in capital facilities

§                     Updating definitions of greenhouse gas and universal design in the Comprehensive Plan glossary

§                     Removing the draft foreword, revising, and bringing it forward separately

                     Zoning Code

§                     New land use table format, including discussion of residential uses

§                     Organization and content of new landscaping open space chapters

§                     Affordable housing in neighborhoods (see this summary, which the Commission requested be shared with the Council: <>.

                     Water System Plan

§                     Planning assumptions and transmission/supply planning details provided by Cascade Water Alliance.

§                     Water conservation needs in light of changing climatic conditions and possible water supply impacts.




Total Cost:

$4,616,401 is the total value of the Community and Economic Development budget offer. This budget offer includes staff and consultant resources necessary to complete Redmond 2050.  The Water System Plan, including a separate Risk and Resiliency Assessment was budgeted at $600,000.  The General Wastewater Plan update was budgeted at $147,533.


Approved in current biennial budget:                                            Yes                                            No                                            N/A


Budget Offer Number: 0000040, 0000003, 0000147


Budget Priority: Vibrant and Connected, Healthy and Sustainable


Other budget impacts or additional costs:                       Yes                                            No                                            N/A

If yes, explain: N/A


Funding source(s): General Fund, Washington State Department of Commerce grants, City Water and Wastewater Utility funds


Budget/Funding Constraints:


  Additional budget details attached





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Time Constraints:

The Comprehensive Plan periodic update must be complete by Dec. 31, 2024. The 2011 Water System Plan was due for an update by July 2024.  Department of Health has approved the delay in completion and adoption of the plan, but additional delays would be detrimental as there are capital projects recommended in the Plan that should be added to the CIP and budgeted. 




Staff is not requesting action at this time.



Attachment A: Council Questions and Discussion Topics

Attachment B: Corrected Amendments to RZC 21.12.505 Transition to New Standards (for Overlake)