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File #: SS 24-047   
Type: Study Session Status: Presented
File created: 8/7/2024 In control: City Council Study Session
On agenda: 8/13/2024 Final action: 8/13/2024
Title: Safer Streets Action Plan Status Update
Attachments: 1. Agenda Memo, 2. Attachment A: Presentation, 3. Attachment B: Current Safety Projects Map, 4. Attachment C: Safety Projects List

TO: Members of the City Council

FROM: Mayor Angela Birney


Planning and Community Development

Carol Helland


Planning and Community Development

Seraphie Allen




Planning and Community Development

Michael Hintze

Transportation Planning Manager

Planning and Community Development

Francesca Liburdy

Senior Transportation Planner





Safer Streets Action Plan Status Update




Redmond received United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Safe Streets for All (SS4A) funding in conjunction with Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), through an agreement between the City and PSRC. With this funding, the City is developing a Safer Streets Action Plan. The SS4A funding can be applied to implementation, planning, and demonstration projects in line with USDOT’s Safe System Approach. Establishing a Safer Streets Action Plan is necessary to apply for grant-funded projects. When finished, the Action Plan will develop and prioritize safety improvement projects throughout the City and facilitate upcoming applications for safety grant funding. This status update will provide an overview of the goals of the Safer Streets Action Plan, the anticipated timeline for the development of the plan, preliminary strategies that will be included in the plan, and upcoming milestones.  body

  Additional Background Information/Description of Proposal Attached





  Receive Information                                            Provide Direction                                            Approve





                     Relevant Plans/Policies:

o                     Redmond 2050, FW-TR-1: Plan, design, build, operate, and maintain a safe transportation system that advances an equitable, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient community by providing for the mobility and access needs of all.

o                     Redmond 2050, FW-TR-2: Maintain the transportation system in a state of good repair for all users

o                     Redmond 2050, FW-TR-3: Complete the accessible and active transportation, transit, freight, and street networks identified in the Transportation Master Plan in support of an integrated and connected transportation system.

o                     Redmond 2050, FW-TR-4: Plan, design, build, operate, and maintain a transportation system that supports the City’s sustainability principles.

o                     Redmond 2050, FW-TR-5: Influence regional transportation decisions and leverage regional transportation investments in support of Redmond’s transportation policy objectives.

o                     Redmond 2050, FW-EV-2: Support policies that contribute to a high quality of life in Redmond, such as career and education opportunities, housing, transportation, and recreation choices, as well as a healthy natural environment.

o                     Redmond 2050, FW-LU-2: Ensure that the land use pattern in Redmond meets the following objectives:

§                     Reflects the community values of sustainability, resilience, equity and inclusion;

§                     Advances sustainable land development and best management practices and a high-quality natural environment;

§                     Promotes development sufficiently away from environmentally critical areas;

§                     Encourages a mix of uses that create complete neighborhoods ;

§                     Maintains and enhances an extensive system of parks, trails, and open space;

§                     Supports and encourages flexible places for a resilient and adaptive economy that includes a mix of research, retail, health, technology, and manufacturing uses;

§                     Ensure the siting and delivery of public infrastructure and community services to support preferred land use patterns; and

§                     Promotes sufficient density for development patterns and urban design that enable people to readily use a variety of accessible and active forms of travel, including but not limited to walking, rolling, bicycling, and transit.

o                     Redmond 2050, FW-CR-1: Develop partnerships and programs to rapidly and equitably reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a thriving, climate-resilient community.



                     Council Request:

The Safer Streets Action Plan will be adopted by Council in its entirety when completed in 2025.

                     Other Key Facts:





The Safer Streets Action Plan will develop a list of prioritized safety improvement policies, programs, and projects that will provide direct countermeasures to existing high-risk locations. With this Action Plan, the City of Redmond will be well prepared to apply for funding from safety grant programs at the state and federal level.




                     Timeline (previous or planned):

o                     5/11/2024: Community Road Safety Assessment (RSA) walk in Education Hill neighborhood

o                     5/22/2024: City Staff RSA walk in Education Hill neighborhood

o                     6/5/2024: City Staff RSA Debrief Workshop

o                     6/25/2024: City Staff Safety Action Plan Task Force Meeting #1

o                     Early October 2024: City Staff Safety Action Plan Task Force Meeting #2

                     Outreach Methods and Results:

o                     The Road Safety Assessment (RSA) group was established in May 2024 and brought together internal staff together from Redmond's Planning, Public Works, Police, Fire, and Parks Departments to support the development of the Safer Streets Action Plan. As shown above, engagement has included field visits led by Transportation Planning’s consultant team to walk through the Education Hill neighborhood with staff and community members. The walk incorporated ideas about possible safety improvements in the area and facilitated discussion between staff from varying departments. Following the walk, a debrief workshop was held to review and develop possible improvements in Education Hill and beyond, looking closely at how staff can apply specific ideas on a broader citywide scale.

o                     Additional field visits, workshops, and focused task force meetings will occur.


                     Feedback Summary:

Takeaways included safety concerns from local community members in the Education Hill neighborhood. Staff and the consultant team are incorporating these concerns when developing preliminary safety strategies that will be included in the Safer Streets Action Plan.





Total Cost:

The funding to develop the consultant agreement and Safer Streets Action Plan came from the agreement the City of Redmond has with the PSRC. Staff working on this project are funded through the adopted Mobility of People & Goods budget offer.


Approved in current biennial budget:                                            Yes                                            No                                            N/A


Budget Offer Number:

0000034 - Mobility of People & Goods


Budget Priority:

Vibrant and Connected


Other budget impacts or additional costs:                       Yes                                            No                                            N/A

If yes, explain:



Funding source(s):

Funding sources include the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Award.  The grant was presented for acceptance on September 5, 2023, during the Planning and Public Works Committee of the Whole meeting.  The grant was accepted on September 19, 2023, during the Business Meeting. The consultant agreement was presented for acceptance on September 19, 2023, during the Public Safety and Human Services Committee of the Whole meeting and was approved on the Consent Agenda of the October 3, 2023, Business Meeting. 


Budget/Funding Constraints:



  Additional budget details attached





Previous Contact(s)



Requested Action


Committee of the Whole - Planning and Public Works

Provide Direction


Business Meeting



Committee of the Whole - Public Safety and Human Services

Provide Direction


Committee of the Whole - Public Safety and Human Services

Provide Direction


Business Meeting



Committee of the Whole - Planning and Public Works

Provide Direction


Proposed Upcoming Contact(s)



Requested Action


Committee of the Whole - Planning and Public Works

Provide Direction


Time Constraints:

Project work began when the consultant team came under contract in the fall of 2023. Community outreach took place in spring 2024 and action plan development is currently in progress. It is anticipated that a Draft Safer Streets Action Plan will be presented to Council for review, feedback, and anticipated approval in Q1 2025.




Without a Safer Streets Action Plan, the City will lack a key resource in competing for future safety grant funding.




Attachment A - Safer Streets Action Plan Presentation August 2024

Attachment B - Current Safety Projects Map

Attachment C - Safety Projects List