TO: Members of the City Council
FROM: Mayor Angela Birney
Planning and Community Development |
Carol Helland |
425-556-2107 |
Planning and Community Development |
Seraphie Allen |
Deputy Director |
Planning and Community Development |
Vangie Garcia, P.E., PMP |
Manager, Transportation Planning and Engineering |
Planning and Community Development |
Josh Mueller |
Senior Transportation Planner |
Adoption of the Annual Update of 2024-2029 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
1. Resolution No. 1574: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Redmond, Washington, Adopting a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program for the Years 2024-2029 and Directing the Same to be Filed with the State Secretary of Transportation and the Transportation Improvement Board
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a state-mandated planning document, updated annually, listing all significant transportation projects anticipated to be built or to compete for grant funding within the next six years. Following the public hearing Council will be asked to approve the TIP.
☒ Additional Background Information/Description of Proposal Attached
☐ Receive Information ☐ Provide Direction ☒ Approve
• Relevant Plans/Policies:
1) Comprehensive Plan - establishes the vision and policy direction for how the City will grow and develop through 2030
2) Transportation Master Plan (TMP) - an element of the Comprehensive Plan that guides the City’s transportation investments and activities
3) Capital Investment Strategy (CIS) - provides a framework for both near-term investments within the CIP timeframe and long-term capital needs that advance the City’s vision
4) Capital Investment Program (CIP) - provides a near-term (six-year) financial planning outlook into capital needs that advance the City’s vision.
5) Development Agreements - various commitments agreed to by City and applicants (agencies or private developers) through the permit and review process
• Required:
The TIP is required to be updated annually by state law (RCW 39.92.030).
• Council Request:
• Other Key Facts:
The TIP is a planning document that will be proposed for adoption by City Council. Projects are shown in the TIP when they are consistent with financial planning documents or are being advanced through grants or private development.
The annual update of the TIP keeps the City in compliance with state law and provides a foundation for future transportation grant applications (which often require inclusion in the TIP in order to be considered for funding). The update process also supports alignment of transportation priorities with the City’s vision, the biennial budget, CIP, and CIS. The TIP is the City’s most comprehensive listing of near-term transportation needs (funded and unfunded).
• Timeline (previous or planned):
Notice of Public Hearing will be published on June 21, 2023, with the hearing to be held on July 5, 2023.
• Outreach Methods and Results:
Interested parties are invited to comment in person at the public hearing, or in writing prior to the hearing. Anyone who is hearing or visually impaired can notify the Planning Department at in advance of the hearing in order to be provided with assistance.
• Feedback Summary:
Any feedback provided before the hearing will be summarized by staff and provided to Council.
Total Cost:
There is no fiscal impact associated with the annual update to the six-year TIP. Staff working on this program are funded through the adopted budget.
Approved in current biennial budget: ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A
Budget Offer Number:
000343 - Mobility of People and Goods
Budget Priority:
Vibrant and Connected
Other budget impacts or additional costs: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ N/A
If yes, explain:
Funding source(s):
General Fund, Operating Grants and Impact Fees
Budget/Funding Constraints:
The document is a planning document and as such does not obligate the City to expend funds or alter its capital funding priorities.
☐ Additional budget details attached
Previous Contact(s)
Date |
Meeting |
Requested Action |
6/6/2023 |
Committee of the Whole - Planning and Public Works |
Receive Information |
Proposed Upcoming Contact(s)
Date |
Meeting |
Requested Action |
7/5/2023 |
None proposed at this time |
N/A |
Time Constraints:
A 2024-2029 Six-Year TIP must be adopted in 2023 per state requirements. Projects must be included in the TIP to receive state and federal grant funding.
The City would be unable to accept and apply for State and Federal transportation grants.
Exhibit A - 2024-2029 Transportation Improvement Program Project List and Descriptions (draft)
Attachment A - Resolution adopting the 2024-2029 Transportation Improvement Program (draft)
Attachment B - Summary of Updates (draft)
Attachment C - 2024-2029 TIP Changes Map (draft)
Attachment D - 2024-2029 TIP Projects Map(draft)
Attachment E - Presentation