SS 25-025
| 1. | Study Session | Automated Speed Safety Cameras, Amended City Ordinance, and Camera Vendor Service Agreement | referred | |
Action details
Not available
AM No. 25-046
| 2. | Consent Item | Approval of a FEMA Subrecipient Agreement with Seattle Fire | referred | |
Action details
Not available
AM No. 25-047
| 3. | Consent Item | Acceptance of a Grant, in the Amount of $400,000, from the Washington State Department of Transportation, for the Purchase of an Electric Fire Engine | referred | |
Action details
Not available
AM No. 25-048
| 4. | Consent Item | Acceptance of a Donation, in the Amount of $16,000, from the Microsoft Corporation, for the Purchase of an Electric Fire Engine
a. Ordinance No. 3210: An Ordinance of the City of Redmond, Washington, Accepting a Donation of Sixteen Thousand Dollars from the Microsoft Corporation to Offset the Cost for the Electric Fire Engine and Authorizing the Mayor to Carry Out the Terms of the Donation | referred | |
Action details
Not available
CM 25-186
| 5. | Committee Memo | City Resolution to Renew King County Medic One/EMS Levy (2026-2031) | referred | |
Action details
Not available
AM No. 25-049
| 1. | Staff Report | Fire Prevention 2024 Performance Report | referred | |
Action details
Not available