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Meeting Name: Committee of the Whole - Public Safety and Human Services Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/18/2025 4:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall: 15670 NE 85th St; Remote: Comcast Ch. 21/321, Ziply Ch. 34, Facebook (@CityofRedmond),, or 510-335-7371
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Summary Summary  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
SS 25-025 1.Study SessionAutomated Speed Safety Cameras, Amended City Ordinance, and Camera Vendor Service Agreementreferred  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-046 2.Consent ItemApproval of a FEMA Subrecipient Agreement with Seattle Firereferred  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-047 3.Consent ItemAcceptance of a Grant, in the Amount of $400,000, from the Washington State Department of Transportation, for the Purchase of an Electric Fire Enginereferred  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-048 4.Consent ItemAcceptance of a Donation, in the Amount of $16,000, from the Microsoft Corporation, for the Purchase of an Electric Fire Engine a. Ordinance No. 3210: An Ordinance of the City of Redmond, Washington, Accepting a Donation of Sixteen Thousand Dollars from the Microsoft Corporation to Offset the Cost for the Electric Fire Engine and Authorizing the Mayor to Carry Out the Terms of the Donationreferred  Action details Not available
CM 25-186 5.Committee MemoCity Resolution to Renew King County Medic One/EMS Levy (2026-2031)referred  Action details Not available
AM No. 25-049 1.Staff ReportFire Prevention 2024 Performance Reportreferred  Action details Not available