AM No. 24-102
| 1. | Consent Item | 4Culture Art Grant Approval | referred | |
Action details
Not available
AM No. 24-101
| 2. | Consent Item | Approval of the 2024-25 Annual ORCA Contract Renewal | referred | |
Action details
Not available
AM No. 24-100
| 3. | Consent Item | Adoption of the 2024 Economic Development Strategic Plan | referred | |
Action details
Not available
AM No. 24-161
| 4. | New Business | Adoption of Ordinances Amending the Redmond Municipal and Zoning Code for Conformance with State Legislation: Senate Bill 5290 and House Bill 1293
1. Ordinance No. 3174: An Ordinance of the City of Redmond, Washington, Amending the Redmond Zoning Code, to Provide Conformance with State Legislative Updates Regarding Permit Process and Design Review Streamlining, Providing for Severability and Establishing an Effective Date
2. Ordinance No. 3175: An Ordinance of the City of Redmond, Washington, Amending the Redmond Municipal Code, to Provide Conformance with State Legislative Updates Regarding Permit Process and Design Review Streamlining, and to Repeal Chapter 4.23 Design Review Board, Providing for Severability and Establishing an Effective Date
3. Ordinance No. 3176: An Ordinance of the City of Redmond, Washington, Amending the Redmond Municipal Code Chapter 4.33 Landmark Commission, to Provide Conformance with State Legislative Updates Regarding Permit Process and Design Review Streamlining, Providing for Severability and Establishing an Effective Date
4. Ordinance No. 3177: An | referred | |
Action details
Not available
AM No. 24-099
| 5. | Consent Item | Approval of Final Construction Contract with James W. Fowler Co. and Construction Acceptance for the Wastewater Pump Station 12 Replacement Project | referred | |
Action details
Not available
AM No. 24-098
| 6. | Consent Item | Approval of Final Contract with Award Construction and Accept Construction for the Wastewater Lift Stations 5, 6, 8, 11, and 15 Equipment Replacement Project | referred | |
Action details
Not available
AM No. 24-121
| 7. | Consent Item | Approval of a Fee for the Extended Use of Right of Way for Construction Activities
a. Resolution No. 1585: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Redmond, Washington, Amending the User Fee Schedule for Public Works to Add Fees Associated with Extended Usage of the Rights of Way for Construction Activity | referred | |
Action details
Not available
AM No. 24-107
| 8. | Consent Item | Authorize the Garbage, Recycling, and Compostables Service Contract with Recology King County | referred | |
Action details
Not available
CM 24-318
| 9. | Committee Memo | Quarterly Update on Current CIP Projects | presented | |
Action details
Not available