AM No. 21-151
| 1. | Consent Item | Approval of a Consultant Agreement with Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. for Healthcare Broker Services in the Amount of $110,000 Per Year | referred | |
Action details
AM No. 21-168
| 2. | New Business | City of Redmond Operations Zero Carbon Strategy
1. Resolution No. 1550: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Redmond, Washington, Adopting the City of Redmond Operations Zero Carbon Strategy | referred | |
Action details
CM 21-480
| 3. | Committee Memo | CIP Proviso Update - Project One-Pager | presented | |
Action details
CM 21-454
| 4. | Committee Memo | 2020 Impact Fee Collection and Distribution Report | presented | |
Action details
CM 21-490
| 5. | Committee Memo | Monthly Financial Report through August 2021 | presented | |
Action details