AM No. 23-089
| 1. | Consent Item | Adoption of a Resolution Amending the City Fee Schedule to Include Fees for Electric Vehicle Charging
a. Resolution No. 1573: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Redmond, Washington, Adopting a Fee Structure for City-Owned, Publicly Available, Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure | referred | |
Action details
Not available
CM 23-328
| 2. | Committee Memo | Monthly Environmental Sustainability Action Plan Update - June 2023 | presented | |
Action details
Not available
AM No. 23-097
| 3. | Consent Item | Approval of Consultant Agreement with Urban Forestry Services - Bartlett Consulting, in the Amount Not to Exceed $275,000, for the Tree Health Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan | referred | |
Action details
Not available
AM No. 23-096
| 4. | Consent Item | Approval of the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Contract for the Perrigo Park Field Lighting Energy Efficiency Conversion | referred | |
Action details
Not available